Category Archives: Polaroid

Instant photography with Polaroid cameras

Shooting Die Antwoord in Venice

Last month (June) I had the chance to meet Die Antwoord with their crew and spend a day with them in Venice while taking some pictures of them. I took my sister with me as assistant, she really helped me in switching cameras and taking them around. I should get used to it! We spent the […]

Polaroid previews from a shooting with Luna Leung

Two weeks ago I did a shooting in Zürich with Berlin based chinese model Luna Leung. I shot about 30 Polaroids and some roll film I still have to get developed but here’s some ’roids as a sneak peek and to continue my review on the latest Impossible films. The shooting went straight and was […]

Sinar Norma x Impossible first results

Yesterday I wanted to try again shooting instant film with my Sinar Norma. A friend of mine kindly came over as I needed a face to work with. I had different goals for this test, I wanted to verify the following: Impossible film actual ISO value My new light meter accuracy Wether if my 360mm […]

Test shooting with Alek

Here are some of the photos I shoot one night of february with Aleksandra while testing some lights and flashes. It was a last-minute idea, just the time for the make up and we started playing with the cameras. The first Polaroid has been exhibited at the Milan’s Photoshow 2013 at The Impossible Project’s stand. […]

Bedroom Portraits Series: Giulia preview

I’ve been away from my blog for a while. I had issues with the wordpress CMS and didn’t really have time to fix it until now. I’ve done a bunch of stuff since my last post, but I’ll spread the news within the next few weeks. I think I told about the issues with my […]

An afternoon with Aleksandra

Yesterday I had to meet with Aleksandra, a dear friend of mine, we didn’t se each other for a while. We also have procrastinated on some possible shooting for a long while, so it was the right time to solve both of the problems. I wasn’t sure of what kind of pictures we were going […]